Our Siamese cat Didsbury went out on his rounds on Monday morning (1st August) and has not returned. We have searched everywhere we can think of, and visited his usual haunts. He is a Blue Siamese, and has a collar. Didsbury is a really friendly chap and well known in the village as he often comes walking with us when we take Dennis for a walk. He pops in to several cottages for a biscuit and to say hello, and it is unusual for him to be gone for so long. If anybody has seen him, could you let us know. We have contacted the local vets, and he is chipped.
Peter and Susan

Is there any update on this?
I've met Didsbury some weeks ago when walking in Sandy Lane. He was sitting right by the side of the road between Weavers and Bayons Park. I gave him a stroke. Lovely cat. I will look out for him on my walks around the village.