Time and tide waits for no man and it is with great pleasure that we introduce you to the brand new Tealby Newsheet called Tealby Living. After discussions with the committee of the Tealby Society in recent months, they were looking to hand over the production of the newsheet to a new team. The team that has transformed the fortunes of the Village Community Shop in the last couple of years stepped forward with an idea and Tealby Living was born.

We must give a massive thank you to the Tealby Society who themselves stepped forward when the village needed it and have done a magnificent job over that time, keeping everyone up to date with all the news, views and events happening around the village – whilst at the same time raising funds to support village projects. This mantle has now passed to the Tealby Community Shop team who over the last 2 years has generated over £20,000 of surplus at the shop, which has been poured back in to village projects at the Church, Village Hall, School, W.I and Playing Fields.
So the time was right to give the Tealby Society a well earned rest and give you an updated version of the newsheet. We hope you enjoy receiving this free first issue of Tealby Living magazine. We are going to be distributing an issue every quarter to each subscriber, at a charge of:
Just £5 per year (so only £1.25 per issue)
You can subscribe to Tealby Living by visiting us online at:
or pop into Tealby Village Shop.
If you would like to advertise in the next issue (September), have a personal message included, would like to contribute with an article or have a suggestion for one, please contact us at:
So we hope you receive your magazine today and enjoy a bit of Tealby Living…